What is the most accurate method to determine a home’s value?

The good news is that the value of a home is not a fixed or predetermined number. The bad news is that it’s not easy to figure out exactly how much a home is worth.

Sometimes it feels uncomfortable to know that the biggest factor is influenced by the sensitivity of the current housing market. It can feel like a rolling moving target.

However, I am going to share with you the most accurate method. First, do a thorough assessment of your core needs. Second, you evaluate all the options available in the current market. This could take about 30 days.

This means looking at all homes within a 10-mile radius having the amenities you desire and within your specific price point. You do this in both the primary and secondary city you desire,  It might be a bit tiring, but it’s the best way to feel confident about the value of a home you want to buy or sell in real-time.

When this process is skipped it leaves many people second-guessing the number they come up with, mainly, because you start relying too much on other people’s opinions.

Remember, you’re in charge of the final decision and it’s important to take ownership of the process.

I would love to hear your thoughts down below.