Yes, the market has shifted and my question to you is this, with all the economic uncertainty who is happy about these market conditions?

Investors, first-time buyers, retirees? Who is?

I will tell you who- and that is the move-up home buyer! Every 9-12 years we see this cycle that offers them a perfect storm.

I have Bruce and Kathy. They have 2 little boys 5-7 years old, their industries are growing and they see growth in their careers. They know that their current home has been perfect up until now but their family’s needs have changed.

With this new stage, they desire a home in a community that offers a lifestyle just more conducive to what’s ahead in the next 15 years of raising their boys.

After much evaluation, they realized that the comparison of the economic pressure being placed on their smaller home VS the larger home was opportunistic.

It is a rare time when you can be poised to “Sell High” and “Buy Low”!

Now Bruce and Kathy got excited but still had some reservations. However, my final question was where do you want to raise your family over the next 15 years here or there?

We moved forward and they went through all the steps needed to move into their new home.

30 days after they moved in I went to go visit. When they opened the door, Damn, I saw it in their eyes, their smile, and felt it in their hugs. It is a warmth of good feelings that never gets old!  They are so happy with their choice!

To Bruce and Kathy…thanks for trusting the journey and Congrats!

I would love to hear your thoughts down below.