I have a question for you today.


When the market is soaring upward there are many people who sit on the sidelines and watch and many jump in and do whatever it takes to buy a home.


Are their decisions driven by emotions or by logical evidence to justify their choices?


When the market is on a downward slope there are many who sit on the sidelines and there are many who jump in and see opportunity.


Are their decisions driven by emotions or by logical evidence to justify their choices?


The answer is both but it truly always comes down to a case by case what’s your story or circumstances?


I met Todd & Gina a few months ago and they were stuck as a couple on moving forward because they had differing beliefs on this. Buy now or don’t buy. I said to them that WOW married couple not agreeing on something…I never heard of such a thing. Funny right?


After much discussion, it came down to, you wanting to buy a bigger home for your family.


Any time you decide to take this process on there will be some obstacles. But as far as timing goes….


You will always find more opportunities in a flat or soft market than you will EVER have in a soaring market for your scenario!


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I would love to hear your thoughts down below.